String Split in SV

In our verification environment, we may need to do some kind of string manipulations. In scripting languages like perl, this is done by using just a method (split). In SV, we need to do it in a roundabout way by parsing all the characters by using getc method.

Below example shows how to split a string using " : " as delimiter.

module split_string_module;

string str_vlsi;

int p_offset_in = 0; int p_offset_out = 0; int count = 0;`

string str[$];

function string split_using_delimiter_fn(input int offset, string str,string del,output int cnt); for (int i = offset; i < str.len(); i=i+1) if (str.getc(i) == del) begin cnt = i; return str.substr(offset,i-1); end endfunction

initial begin #10; str_vlsi = ""; #10; $display($time," STRING = %s",str_vlsi); for(int j=0; j<4; j = j+1) begin str[j] = split_using_delimiter_fn(p_offset_in,str_vlsi,":",p_offset_out); $display($time," offset_in=%0d offset_out=%0d",p_offset_in,p_offset_out); if(p_offset_in >= p_offset_out) str[j] = str_vlsi.substr(p_offset_in,str_vlsi.len()-1); else p_offset_in = p_offset_out+1;

$display($time," Splitted String %d = %s",j,str[j]); #10; end end endmodule

Simulation result:

20 STRING = 20 offset_in=0 offset_out=4 20 Splitted String 0 = vlsi 30 offset_in=5 offset_out=18 30 Splitted String 1 = professionals 40 offset_in=19 offset_out=21 40 Splitted String 2 = in 50 offset_in=22 offset_out=21 50 Splitted String 3 =

The function split_using_delimiter_fn, parses through each character in the string till it finds the delimiter.